We apologize for not updating our blog recently. Our computer's "air card" has not been able to access the internet very well in this area. Cell phone service has also been spotty.
Lovely autumn day for sailing near Guntersville. The Tennessee River forms a wide (2 miles+) lake with plenty of open water. We haven't seen as much sailing up here as there should be!
Here is a nav marker near the anchorage pictured above. Very easy to tell which side to take this marker!
The upper part of the Tenn-Tom waterway was hacked & blasted out of very rocky hills. This part is called the 'Divide Cut' and required more earthmoving than the entire Panama Canal.
This red marker looks like it's been bumped into, although it's hard to see how a boat could reach it. Or maybe the Corps of Engineers piled up the rocks after it got bumped, to protect it? Anyway there is no doubt autumn is upon us... in fact we've had a frost on the boat the last few mornings... thank goodness we're headed south!
Sincere best wishes-
Doug & Kathie
We enjoyed chatting on the phone, but wish we could have seen you while you were at Joe Wheeler. We're more than a little bit envious that you are almost to the Gulf. We'll be following your progress and re-living the Loop vicariously.
Liz and Bob
Second Wind
Great blog...I enjoy following you. We took this trip in 1999/2000 and I can picture almost everywhere you have gone.
I do have a question?
How do you include the link to google maps in your blog? I am assuming you go to google maps; locate exactly where you are; copy that url address and paste it in your blog...but how do you put the word link in there and make it go to that map?
Safe travels...we'll be leaving next summer to join you.
Bob and Deb Koerner
mv Headquarters
455 Cruisers Yacht
Hi Bob & Deb-
This is a great cruise and has been much more fun than we'd ever hoped. Thanks for your comment, we're glad you're enjoying our blog.
The 'Blogger' website system is easy. When writing a new post, there is a window for text with a row of icons across the top; one for adding photos, changing font, adding links, etc. To add a link to a map is just like adding a link to any other web page- I type in our latitude & longitude at Google Map, change it to 'hybrid' view so the map is imposed on an aerial photo, then copy the URL to clipboard as you said. Then in the blogger text windo, I highlight the words to be made into a link, click on the 'link' icon (a little chain... isn't that clever), and paste in the Google Map URL in the link tool window that pops up. This sounds much more complex than it is to actually do!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day, all three of you. I know Hank will have a little extra to be thankful for tomorrow.
Tomorrow is supposed to be pretty windy out of the north so it may not be great for you, and may preclude a morning sail for us down here.
Regards, Norm & Leslie
Hi Guys -
Just curious...
Do you guys have a washer and dryer on the boat? How do you ensure your (tap) water purity?
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