In Little Current, we saw and participated in the Hawberry (or Haweaters') Festival, including watching a juggler juggle a chainsaw! We also toured Manitoulin Island and saw Bridal Veil Falls (photo at right). After the island tour, Bob and Sue on Tom-Kat, Mike and Jeanne on Jeanne Marie, and we on the faithful Winnie W took off from Little Current a few days ago.
Then we were part of a small flotilla (3 boats) in the North Channel, and that's what this post is about, including Doug and Hank's near-close encounter with a bear! Thanks to Jeanne on Jeanne Marie for the bear and other photos of folks in our "small flotilla."
Here is the small channel leading into the western part of Oak Harbor, where we'd intended to "anchor out," but decided not to go into- too narrow.

Heavy traffic- here is a line of boats ahead of our small flotilla, going for a narrow spot just north of Aird Island.
The second night in the North Channel, we were in John's Harbor, south of John's Island.
The channel into John's Harbor has several rocks, this photo shows a few.... these were easy to spot. An ancient rule of navigating: 'Don't ever try to steer your boat where the birds are standing.'

That evening, we enjoyed snacks on Winnie W and then had "white chili" (chicken and various white beans and spices) for supper on Jeanne Marie.

The excitement on the Winnie W was the next morning: when Doug took Hank ashore in the dinghy, Kathie saw a bear about 1/4 mile away from them on a neighboring beach of rocks! Kathie was inside on the boat, and only went out on the aft deck to see if they were ready for help getting Hank from the dinghy to the boat (help means encouraging him to jump up: he's a real athlete!).

Looking to shore to figure out their progress in Hank's exercise, I (K) saw a bear! First, I thought "don't be nuts, you're imagining things" and tried to think what else could have this bear-like shape. I looked again, and yelled "Doug-- bear--come back!!" Then, because the prior evening, our small flotilla discussed that none of us had seen a bear yet in these wilds of Georgian Bay and the North Channel, I got on the VHF radio and told the other boats that if they'd look where I was pointing, I could show them a bear on shore!

Doug had our camera on shore; these photos are courtesy of Jeanne Marie. For a size comparison, you can see part of the back-end of Hank in the dinghy, about halfway between the shore with the bear.
The bear was ~1/4 mile from Doug and was "moderate" size (size discussion with Mike and Jeanne); with the bear walking on all fours, comparing to Doug's height, the bear's forequarter would have been about elbow height on Doug. Doug said he couldn't hear what I was saying, but got the drift that I wanted him to come back to the boat!
Winnie W peacefully settled in John's Harbor, which will now be forever remembered by us as "the bear anchorage." This shot of boat & cliff (at right) was photographed earlier that morning by Doug, as the bear was ambling along the shore just below.
We then went to the small town of Bruce Mines, which has an unused mine that we toured and heard about the copper mining industry in the 1800s. Here is our guide showing how one spots veins of minerals in the rock.
Soon we will be heading through the Canadian side of the locks into Lake Superior, to an anchorage.
We wish you all the best!
Kathie and Doug
So the water was too cold to go bear??
And now I've got to work on a white chili recipe.I'm learnig stuff I'd never thought I'd learn from your trip.
Ok no comments so I'll leave one. I was looking for a picture of a Hawberry as I too was in Little Current and just got back on Sat (aug. 11) Live near detroit and family has a place right near the mouth of Baie Fiene (french spelling is bad). Beautiful area isn't it! Enjoy your voyage.
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