We made it home late Saturday, with rising winds and drizzle threatening to turn to sleet. There were several possible places to stop & dock or anchor, but the weather was predicted to be even worse for the next few days. So we decided to keep chugging on because we were in our home waters and know them well; we arrived at our home slip at about 10:30pm. Our diesel furnace had been running for 6 days straight!
North Carolina D.O.T. has a great ferry system. This one is headed down the ICW for some reason... maybe headed south to avoid cold weather?
Our last night was at Hampstead, a few miles north & east of Wrightsville Beach & Wilmington. A visit from newlyweds Guy & Jennifer was a nice occasion; Guy & Doug are old-time sailing buddies. We're looking forward to hearing about their adventures cruising together!
Here is a rare photo by Doug. Hank enjoys his last night of adventure, while Kathie prevents him from chasing animals or birds into the marsh.
The Winnie W.'s last passage on this Great Loop began early, so as to make a time slot for a low bridge
Looking across the barrier islands at Topsail Beach, birds & marsh & beach front development... this is the standard mix along the Carolina coast.
One of the nice things about cruising nowadays is that it's easy to keep in touch, and it's easy to
That's some sandbar- you can tell how shallow the water is by the land sticking up above it! This is marker 62, going thru this area is pretty straightforward although the buoys are well off to the side.
We kept going. Fortunately we made it thru the
Doug shows his confidence in navigating Adams Creek & the Neuse River at night by smiling for the camera... or is he grimacing at having to wear his glasses to read the chart?
The new camera takes great photos, it was much darker than this picture looks... the commercial vessel 'PAMLICO' is pushing a barge ahead of us into lower Adams Creek. Visibility was not good and the rain tended to blind the radar. From here it is about a 4 hour run until we docked.
So, now we have our feet up at home! It is comfy and Hank doesn't appear to miss his morning dinghy ride. The boat was still well stocked with canned food so we brought that up to the pantry. Now we're seeing friends & family face to face, in some cases for the first time in a year... there are

Life moves on and we are already thinking about our next adventure! We'll post updates here about prep for future trips and trips in our local area at erratic intervals.
Here is a photo of Winnie W. leaving her slip for the Great Loop, back in May of 2007. Thanks to John J. for this shot!
Thanks so much for your attention to our travels! Best wishes to all- Doug & Kathie
It has been a real treat to read this blog over the past year, give or take. The way you have described your travels, accompanied by the great pictures and historical facts, made it very enjoyable.
It is my hope you will go on another cruise here very soon so I can travel along while sitting at my desk.
And, I was impressed that you either had limited mechanical issues or just chose not to harp on them.
Bill Davis
Very cool -- what an accomplishment -- finishing the Great Loop. It was fun to follow along.
Hello Doug & Kathie
Congratulations on completing your big journey!
I have really enjoyed reading your blog and especially the pictures and all the technical modifications you all have made to the Winnie W (freezer, diesel heat, bow thruster) along the way. We have a big Labrador too, so seeing Hank a bunch was great.
If you care to, it would be interesting to know your fuel consumption for the trip and major maintenance you found you had to do prior to the trip and underway.
Perhaps one day as we are searching and looking at our potential next boat, we will stop in and say "hello" at your marina.
Best Regards,
Ben Matthews
Congratulations you guys - that was quite the adventure.
Great blog on the whole trip and terrific pictures. I kept up with you - it was fascinating.
Again, congratulations and well done.
Tom Francis
Doug & Kathie;
Thank you so much for allowing us to share your travels. Many times I felt that I was with you. It is my dream to one day travel in our sailboat. Your sharing with me has help to be more focus on things that need to be done. Please give Hank a pat for me.
Wilson & Leslie
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